Business rates relief in England

Business rates relief in England

Business rates are a tax on non-domestic premises, including most commercial properties such as shops, offices, pubs, warehouses and factories. The money raised through business rates is used to help fund local services like the police, fire and rescue services.

Business rates are generally calculated by multiplying the rateable value of commercial premises by the business rates multiplier before any eligible reliefs are deducted. Business rates are treated differently in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland and the rates relief schemes vary across the UK.

In England, you may be eligible for business rates relief if your business is:

  • a small business
  • a retail, hospitality and leisure property - for example, a shop, restaurant, entertainment venue or hotel
  • the only business in a rural area
  • a charity or a community amateur sports club
  • a local newspaper

You may also be eligible for business rates relief if:

  • you own a property and it’s empty, partly empty or being refurbished
  • you make certain improvements to your property
  • your rates change by more than a certain amount at revaluation
  • you will get less small business or rural rate relief after 1 April 2023
  • you are in financial difficulty
  • your property is in an ‘enterprise zone’
  • your property is in a ‘freeport’
  • your property is a heat network

Local councils can also choose to offer business rates relief to businesses that benefit the local community or economy. Contact your local council to find out if this is available in your area and check if you are eligible.

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